Work With A Coach who’s committed to getting you committed to a healthy lifestyle
Discover how to change your outlook on the way you live life, eat, stay fit and keep off excess weight

Charlie Remington
I am a Nutritionist, Herbalist, and Healing Minister who has helped change the way thousand of clients approach losing weight and managing overall health, with my Fat Loss Coach Program-“Becoming A Winner At Losing and 12-week challenge.
It was 30 years ago that I started out on my journey to change the way America would approach losing weight as fat and keeping it off… At first, the journey seemed impossible to go against the colossal size weight loss industry theory of eating less than the body required was the answer…
Over those years I saw low carbohydrate, high protein diets come and go, and what was lost in the process was to maintain balanced nutrition.
Well it’s 30 years later and my philosophy of managing blood sugar and hormone and metabolic responses is still going strong…
Decades ago I promised my followers it was possible to lose fat and be friendly to the muscle during the journey, and it could be maintained as a lifestyle… I never broke my promise and now have a vast army of followers as proof that my concepts could stand the test of time…
a winner
at losing…”
Have you ever had the feeling like you were trying so hard to live a healthier life and yet you don’t see the results of your efforts?
Do you find yourself constantly in the cycle of dieting only to lose your way and give up along the way?
Do you keep thinking to yourself that you need to get on the right track but land up feeling discouraged before you’ve even started?
Do you think your weight loss goals are just “too much” for you to achieve so you give up before you even start?
Sound familiar?
Keep scrolling to find out how you can change that
The 12-week
fat loss program:

The solution for your weight loss to result in only fat loss is unique to you, so the solution needs to be customized or fitted to you…
Your body stores energy in three places, liver, muscles and adipose tissue or fat cells…
Through a complex system of converting stored energy into ATP adenosine triphosphate to provide cellular energy it takes stored energy from liver, muscle and fat, when the generic diet your following makes you think it’s only coming from stored fat…
…This is why diets that continually reduce calories don't work and can't become a healthy lifestyle.
The three ways of converting the energy during weight loss is glycolysis. lipolysis and gluconeogenesis…
When you lose weight the stored energy is coming from liver, muscle and fat and the secret to effective fat loss is to put the lost energy back into the liver and muscle without depositing any back into the fat cells…
This is what separated the Fat Loss Coach from all the miracle of the month weight loss quick fixes…
Coach’s unique Discovery the “Gyco-Cycle” has proven for decades to provide fat loss, without muscle loss… Rotating fat loss days with recovery days...
So why should you listen to what I have to say?
My nutritional discovery is more than some formula discovered in a laboratory working with mice. My Fat Loss Coach program has stood the test of time and thousands and thousands have gone before you proving the programs continued success and have opened the door for you to join this vast army enjoying ideal weight and healthy lifestyle…

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EXCLUSIVE: Take $75 off the 12 Week Fat Loss Program
Health and wellness is important to us but giving back to clients who want to make positive changes in their life is even more important.
That’s why we’re taking $75 off the 12-week program.
All you have to do is book a free consultation call with me - and you get your discount coupon sent straight to your inbox
The call is free and there to help you take the right steps to reclaim your life back.
Check out what the fat loss coach is all about and why the system I have spent 30 years perfecting works for ANYONE
Why do weight loss diets fail?
Why Does Our Program Succeed
The "Glyco-Cycle"
Breakthrough In Weight Loss
Success Stories

Coach met Marcello
12 weeks ago.
Marcello's family owns the well known Anthony's Ocean View. His family business revolves around celebration with food. He laughed when Coach told him on our first meeting I would teach him how to celebrate being lean.
Well, 12 weeks passed and Coach is happy to report Marcello is celebrating having lost 22 lb. of fat, while gaining 2 lb. of muscle and his body fat dropping from 29% down to 19%. Marcello beat the 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge goal!

I met Arron and his old world Albanian mom 12 weeks ago.
During the meeting, Arron's mom started crying because she was concerned about his health. Wiping her tears she said, "Coach can you help my son". Coach responded, "I'll teach Arron to eat his way out of being obese".
I'm happy to report Arron lost 42 lb. of fat in only 12 weeks, while increasing his muscle weight 3.6 lb. Arron's body fat percentage dropped from 38% fat to 26%. When Arron was leaving he said, "I now have all the tools to lose the next 30 lbs, and my mom will never have to cry again about my weight."

Hall of Fame FAT LOSS:
Russ lost 40 lbs of fat while adding an amazing 14 lbs of muscle. Russ went from 220 lbs to 190 lbs in only 12 weeks and his body fat percentage dropped from 37% all the way down to 21%. This is special for a man 74 years old or at any age. When Coach told Russ he was a Fat Loss Coach All-Star it made Coach's day when Russ said, this was the first time he weighed 190 lb since high school 56 years ago.

If you’re searching for a healthy new lifestyle find or get close to someone who already has it… This is one question I have never understood from a potential over-weight client, Coach have you ever been over-weight? I usually answer their question with this response question… Would you feel more comfortable if I was once over weight, or an expert at converting over-weight lifestyles into lean healthy lifestyles?
I believe they ask that question because they want you to feel what they feel, instead of being taught they need lifestyle skills to change how they feel… I believe as a Coach who has helped thousands to develop a lean healthy lifestyle if it does not challenge your current lifestyle to change; over time your old lifestyle will return…
If you want to soar with the eagles you can no longer peck with the turkey’s… Surround yourself with role models who will help show you the way… The most life changing people I encountered in my journey were like sandpaper preparing the wood, and challenged me or inspired me to achieve success through change… I believe if it does not challenge you it does not change you…
Let me introduce you to Laura Hanson who in during her 12 week challenge dropped her body fat from 36% all the way down the 23% Losing 16 lbs. of fat while gaining 1 lb. of lean muscle. The most impressive aspect of her all-star story is when we body scanned her biologic age became 5 years younger in only 12 weeks... God bless… Coach
Fat Loss Coach

Another Starfish Saved
Three decades ago when I started my journey helping clients, I thought the mission was to help them to lose weight… My approach was unique, because it was customized to the client and targeted only the unwanted fat and managed their hormonal responses… The results were amazing, but inside I knew there was so much more God wanted to see happen… God wanted to see people healed of obesity… The American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease so if you’re obese you are sick…
Each day I go to work, blessed to believe I am an instrument in the Mighty Hand of God. At times to the world it might look like my efforts are not making much of a difference. But my best friend the Lord is always there to encourage me, even though it’s happening one person at time, it does make all the difference to Him.
As I was writing the story of the little girl and the starfish came to mind. If you don’t know the story this is how it goes.
A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.
She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”
The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied, “Well, I made a difference to that one!”
I must say, I can relate to the little girl, because I know a BIG GOD. In our country there has been a great storm and many have been washed up on the beach of obesity. No matter how large the number, I know they can all be healed.
Let me introduce you to David Putt. When Coach met David he had been washed up on the obesity beach at 232 lb. I set a goal for David to be at his ideal weight of 187 lb. Coach is happy to report David lost 46 lb. of fat and left my office for the last time today at 186 lb. and healed of obesity. A big smile came to Coach’s face another starfish healed. God bless… Coach
Fat Loss Coach

This afternoon at the Fat Loss Coach office, Lesley DeAngelo had amazing results and once again the Coach proves the standard wisdom of weight loss is so miss guided and outright wrong… The Leslie lost 23.6 lb. of fat in 12 weeks and a reduction in body fat percentage from 40% down to an incredible 27.3%, and her muscle weight increased by 8.4 lb… The increase in muscle weight also allowed Leslie to break a State of Connecticut power lifting record…
After Leslie’s body scan her body age had dropped 5 years in only 12 weeks… These results sound hard to believe, in fact those were Leslie’s very words, “this is unbelievable”, but they happen quite frequently with the Coach… In fact right in Leslie’s family, her husband Jim had all-star results as well…
Why is it so hard to believe these results? The standard wisdom of iconic establishments like the Mayo Clinic says it’s impossible… The following information on weight loss comes right from the Mayo Clinic’s website…
“Because 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. So if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'd lose about 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). It isn't quite this simple, however, and you usually lose a combination of fat, lean tissue and water. Also, because of changes that occur in the body as a result of weight loss, you may need to decrease calories further to continue weight loss”.
Using this miss-guided theory it would have taken Lesley 23 weeks to accomplish what she did in 12 weeks following the Fat Loss Coach principles… Once again the Coach proves the establishment wrong… It’s time to close the door on very old theories of weight loss and open the door to a revelation understanding it is possible to get to your ideal weight and body composition, without the loss of muscle… The Coach has proven it thousands of times, let the next person he proves it to be you… Best part you can make it into a healthy lifestyle just ask Jim and Lesley… Coach
Fat Loss Coach

Big Success Now In Smaller Leaner Package
No matter what size your problem it will be defeated when you know what to do and do what you know… The Coach gets real excited when I see the remarkable changes in short periods of time; when you learn to live within your hormone and metabolic design…
Fat Loss Coach has another BIG success for Smaller Leaner Bill Brubaker ... Bill was already in very good cardiovascular shape, but now wanted a leaner more muscular body… Bill lost 18 lb. of fat, gained 8 lb. of muscle weight and dropped his body fat percentage from 28% down to 18%... Bill impressive big fat loss in only 12 weeks now fits into his smaller, leaner, more muscular 159 lb. package… Coach
Fat Loss Coach

I'm happy to report Walter winning his fat loss battle. Walter came to the Coach to support his wife’s efforts in her fat loss journey. The best way to support her was to change the way he thought himself and to win his own fat loss battle.
Walter started at 208 lb. at 31% percent body fat. The goal was to get to 185 lb. at 23% and Walter did more than win his battle he conquered his enemy. Walter reached an amazing 176 lb. at 18% body fat; the recommended body fat of a man 15 years younger.
In Walter’s efforts to support his wife he is blessed with a lean and healthy younger body.

Well over 29 years thousands and thousands have gone through Coach’s program and the transformations are mind blowing… Though they eventually all say goodbye to Coach all of them have blessed me in a way they will never know…
Today was graduation day for Jim DeAngelo… Jim said, “I am happy with my results. I have now learned the importance of fueling my body with the right foods in the right amounts at the right time. Thanks for all the knowledge Coach!!! I’m ready to continue my life journey on my own”…
JIm has lost 33 lb. of fat and his body fat percentage dropped from 33% to 21%... What is so amazing about his transformation is while losing 2.6 lb of fat per week he increased his muscle weight by a remarkable 12 lb.… Coach is happy to report Jim’s days going to the gym getting NO results, those days are gone and he can now enjoy his new healthy lifestyle… God bless… Coach
Fat Loss Coach

In June of 2013 the American Medical Association made a historical change in reclassifying obesity from a condition to a disease… As the scientific community searches for the genetic code to explain obesity’s origin, The Fat Loss Coach a lifestyle solution in Connecticut has been spreading like wildfire to end obesity’s reign for more than two decades…
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